HTML5 Player Custom Configuration
To address the issue of key bindings being overly occupied and conflicts with shortcuts, version v3.7.0
has introduced the ability for external customization of shortcuts and configurations.
For security reasons and to minimize potential external interference, the custom external capabilities need to be enabled through the menu to be used:

Once enabled, external scripts can be used to define the plugin's shortcuts and other related capabilities.
Customization Instructions
Through custom configuration, most personalized needs can be met, but this requires you to have some programming skills.
For simple customizations such as defining your own shortcuts, you can join the user group and ask other members if you don't understand.
For complex functionalities, if you don't want to bother with customization, you might consider hiring the author for a paid customization service.
You can refer to the following script for customization:
Complete Custom Reference Code
Below is the complete custom reference code:
// ==UserScript==
// @name HTML5播放器自定义配置
// @name:en HTML5 player enhanced script custom configuration
// @namespace
// @homepage
// @version 0.0.1
// @description HTML5播放器自定义配置,按需定制自己的功能
// @description:en HTML5 video player enhanced script custom configuration
// @author ankvps
// @icon
// @match *://*/*
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @run-at document-start
// @license GPL
// ==/UserScript==
/* 自定义配置 */
const customConfiguration = {
media: {
autoPlay: false,
playbackRate: 1,
volume: 1,
/* 是否允许存储播放进度 */
allowRestorePlayProgress: {
/* 视频播放进度映射表 */
progress: {}
hotkeys: [
desc: '网页全屏',
key: 'shift+enter',
command: 'setWebFullScreen',
/* 如需禁用快捷键,将disabled设为true */
disabled: false
desc: '全屏',
key: 'enter',
command: 'setFullScreen'
desc: '切换画中画模式',
key: 'shift+p',
command: 'togglePictureInPicture'
desc: '视频截图',
key: 'shift+s',
command: 'capture'
desc: '启用或禁止自动恢复播放进度功能',
key: 'shift+r',
command: 'capture'
desc: '垂直镜像翻转',
key: 'shift+m',
command: 'setMirror',
args: [true]
desc: '水平镜像翻转',
key: 'm',
command: 'setMirror'
desc: '下载音视频文件(实验性功能)',
key: 'shift+d',
command: 'mediaDownload'
desc: '缩小视频画面 -0.05',
key: 'shift+x',
command: 'setScaleDown'
desc: '放大视频画面 +0.05',
key: 'shift+c',
command: 'setScaleUp'
desc: '恢复视频画面',
key: 'shift+z',
command: 'resetTransform'
desc: '画面向右移动10px',
key: 'shift+arrowright',
command: 'setTranslateRight'
desc: '画面向左移动10px',
key: 'shift+arrowleft',
command: 'setTranslateLeft'
desc: '画面向上移动10px',
key: 'shift+arrowup',
command: 'setTranslateUp'
desc: '画面向下移动10px',
key: 'shift+arrowdown',
command: 'setTranslateDown'
desc: '前进5秒',
key: 'arrowright',
command: 'setCurrentTimeUp'
desc: '后退5秒',
key: 'arrowleft',
command: 'setCurrentTimeDown'
desc: '前进30秒',
key: 'ctrl+arrowright',
command: 'setCurrentTimeUp',
args: [30]
desc: '后退30秒',
key: 'ctrl+arrowleft',
command: 'setCurrentTimeDown',
args: [-30]
desc: '音量升高 5%',
key: 'arrowup',
command: 'setVolumeUp',
args: [0.05]
desc: '音量降低 5%',
key: 'arrowdown',
command: 'setVolumeDown',
args: [-0.05]
desc: '音量升高 20%',
key: 'ctrl+arrowup',
command: 'setVolumeUp',
args: [0.2]
desc: '音量降低 20%',
key: 'ctrl+arrowdown',
command: 'setVolumeDown',
args: [-0.2]
desc: '切换暂停/播放',
key: 'space',
command: 'switchPlayStatus'
desc: '减速播放 -0.1',
key: 'x',
command: 'setPlaybackRateDown'
desc: '加速播放 +0.1',
key: 'c',
command: 'setPlaybackRateUp'
desc: '正常速度播放',
key: 'z',
command: 'resetPlaybackRate'
desc: '设置1x的播放速度',
key: 'Digit1',
command: 'setPlaybackRatePlus',
args: 1
desc: '设置1x的播放速度',
key: 'Numpad1',
command: 'setPlaybackRatePlus',
args: 1
desc: '设置2x的播放速度',
key: 'Digit2',
command: 'setPlaybackRatePlus',
args: 2
desc: '设置2x的播放速度',
key: 'Numpad2',
command: 'setPlaybackRatePlus',
args: 2
desc: '设置3x的播放速度',
key: 'Digit3',
command: 'setPlaybackRatePlus',
args: 3
desc: '设置3x的播放速度',
key: 'Numpad3',
command: 'setPlaybackRatePlus',
args: 3
desc: '设置4x的播放速度',
key: 'Digit4',
command: 'setPlaybackRatePlus',
args: 4
desc: '设置4x的播放速度',
key: 'Numpad4',
command: 'setPlaybackRatePlus',
args: 4
desc: '下一帧',
key: 'F',
command: 'freezeFrame',
args: 1
desc: '上一帧',
key: 'D',
command: 'freezeFrame',
args: -1
desc: '增加亮度',
key: 'E',
command: 'setBrightnessUp'
desc: '减少亮度',
key: 'W',
command: 'setBrightnessDown'
desc: '增加对比度',
key: 'T',
command: 'setContrastUp'
desc: '减少对比度',
key: 'R',
command: 'setContrastDown'
desc: '增加饱和度',
key: 'U',
command: 'setSaturationUp'
desc: '减少饱和度',
key: 'Y',
command: 'setSaturationDown'
desc: '增加色相',
key: 'O',
command: 'setHueUp'
desc: '减少色相',
key: 'I',
command: 'setHueDown'
desc: '模糊增加 1 px',
key: 'K',
command: 'setBlurUp'
desc: '模糊减少 1 px',
key: 'J',
command: 'setBlurDown'
desc: '图像复位',
key: 'Q',
command: 'resetFilterAndTransform'
desc: '画面旋转 90 度',
key: 'S',
command: 'setRotate'
desc: '播放下一集',
key: 'N',
command: 'setNextVideo'
desc: '执行JS脚本',
key: 'ctrl+j ctrl+s',
command: () => {
when: ''
enhance: {
/* 不禁用默认的调速逻辑,则在多个视频切换时,速度很容易被重置,所以该选项默认开启 */
blockSetPlaybackRate: true,
blockSetCurrentTime: false,
blockSetVolume: false,
allowExperimentFeatures: false
debug: false
* 任务配置中心 Task Control Center
* 用于配置所有无法进行通用处理的任务,如不同网站的全屏方式不一样,必须调用网站本身的全屏逻辑,才能确保字幕、弹幕等正常工作
const customTaskControlCenter = {
* 配置示例
* 父级键名对应的是一级域名,
* 子级键名对应的相关功能名称,键值对应的该功能要触发的点击选择器或者要调用的相关函数
* 所有子级的键值都支持使用选择器触发或函数调用
* 配置了子级的则使用子级配置逻辑进行操作,否则使用默认逻辑
* 注意:include,exclude这两个子级键名除外,这两个是用来进行url范围匹配的
* */
'demo.demo': {
fullScreen: '.fullscreen-btn',
exitFullScreen: '.exit-fullscreen-btn',
webFullScreen: function () {},
exitWebFullScreen: '.exit-fullscreen-btn',
autoPlay: '.player-start-btn',
pause: '.player-pause',
play: '.player-play',
switchPlayStatus: '.player-play',
playbackRate: function () {},
currentTime: function () {},
addCurrentTime: '.add-currenttime',
subtractCurrentTime: '.subtract-currenttime',
// 自定义快捷键的执行方式,如果是组合键,必须是 ctrl-->shift-->alt 这样的顺序,没有可以忽略,键名必须全小写
shortcuts: {
/* 注册要执行自定义回调操作的快捷键 */
register: [
/* 自定义快捷键的回调操作 */
callback: function (h5Player, taskConf, data) {
const { event, player } = data
console.log(event, player)
/* 当前域名下需包含的路径信息,默认整个域名下所有路径可用 必须是正则 */
include: /^.*/,
/* 当前域名下需排除的路径信息,默认不排除任何路径 必须是正则 */
exclude: /\t/
'': {
// 停止在netflix下使用插件的所有功能
// disable: true,
fullScreen: 'button.button-nfplayerFullscreen',
addCurrentTime: 'button.button-nfplayerFastForward',
subtractCurrentTime: 'button.button-nfplayerBackTen',
* 使用netflix自身的调速,因为目前插件没法解决调速导致的服务中断问题
playbackRate: true,
shortcuts: {
* netflix 一些用户习惯使用F键进行全屏,所以此处屏蔽掉f键的下一帧功能
* 后续开放自定义配置能力后,让用户自行决定是否屏蔽
register: [
callback: function (h5Player, taskConf, data) {
return true
/* 注册自定义配置信息 */
const pageWin = window.unsafeWindow
if (pageWin) {
const configuration = { customConfiguration, customTaskControlCenter }
pageWin.__h5PlayerCustomConfiguration__ = configuration
pageWin.__setH5PlayerCustomConfiguration__ instanceof Function && pageWin.__setH5PlayerCustomConfiguration__(configuration, 'External')